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Durability and practicality
Defining every room with style while blurring boundaries to make room for light: Iris, light and beautiful, is a robust and practical window. The visible fittings guarantee 180° opening, very robust hinges and easy maintenance, while the aluminium exterior provides total weather protection. Its bold, elegant interior lines and high-quality materials make it a wonderful combination of beauty and robustness.
Valori riferiti a campione di prova – per l’estensione dei risultati si rimanda a quanto previsto dalla norma UNI EN 14351-01 | |||||||||||
Spessore anta e telaio [mm] | Spessore vetro [mm] | Ferramenta | Ug vetro [W/m2K] | Trasmittanza termica convenzionale Uw [W/m2K] | Resistenza al carico del vento | Tenuta all’acqua | Permeabilità all’aria | Capacità portante dispositivi di sicurezza |
UNI EN ISO 10077-2:2018 | UNI EN 12211:2016 | UNI EN 1027:2016 | UNI EN 1026:2016 | UNI EN 14351-1, UNI EN 14609 | |||||||
Finestra a 2 ante di dimensioni 1,23m (±25%) x 1,48m (-25%) | |||||||||||
Finestra | 90-76 | 52 | A vista | 0,5 |
NPD | E1650 | Classe 4 | Passa | ||
Finestra | 90-76 | 36 | A vista | 1,1 |
NPD | E1650 | Classe 4 | Passa | ||
Finestra | 90-76 | 28 | A vista | 1,1 |
NPD | E1650 | Classe 4 | Passa |
The visible fittings guarantee 180° opening, easy maintenance and permit the introduction of “special shapes”.
Exterior aluminium / Visible fittings
Interior wood / Visible fittings
High-performance thermal and acoustic insulation make this window the ideal solution for those seeking a perfect combination of aesthetics, nature and technology for living. Iris is available in a wide range of colours.
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