New AGE for our X-Lam!

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The Essepi designer technology X-Lam has a new ETA! It concerns the value of the elastic module that is parallel to our panels, which effective immediately is equal to 12500 MPa.

The ETA (European Technical Approval) certifies the technical properties of a product, the quality guarantee, and the performance under standards.  With an elastic module with even higher performance, the advantages for designers and clients are numerous: the performance of the panels is improved with regard to the out-of-plane stresses, the floors deform less with equal amounts of light through the supports, and smaller thicknesses can be used with a significant savings in the sections and materials that are used.  And not only that, but the elastic module of the Essepi X-Lam panel is greater than the elastic module of the material of which it is composed, that is, C24 boards of spruce.  Genuine excellence when it comes to construction systems in X-Lam!

If you are curious to find out in detail why it is that the Essepi X-Lam panel has a module that is more elastic than the material in which it is realized, please contact us using the address

We will be pleased to respond to you. 

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